Image of a woman sitting on a chair on the left with the title of the podcast episode on the right

in Highly Sensitive Money

Seeking Refuge: Self-Care and Community Support as a Money Expert

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused about navigating economic inequality and money, then you are not alone! The traditional approach to financial coaching may not be addressing the deep-rooted impact of childhood financial backgrounds, leading to discomfort, guilt, and a struggle to say no in adulthood. It’s time to explore a new perspective on how systemic issues around money can affect your mindset, and find the community support and financial coaching that truly resonates with your experiences.

In this episode of Highly Sensitive Money, I delve into my personal experiences with money and how they’ve shaped my journey as a financial coach. Drawing from my upbringing and exploration of Quakerism, I highlight the importance of community support and empowerment in tackling systemic issues around money. I encourage listeners to tap into various collectives for guidance, emphasizing how shared support has deeply influenced my work as a money expert. My unique perspective and commitment to addressing economic disparities make this episode a compelling resource for individuals seeking financial coaching and community backing. Through my insights, I offer a fresh and empathetic approach to navigating systemic money issues, making this episode a valuable listen for those seeking guidance in this area.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Understand the impact of economic inequality on individuals’ lives.
  • Empower yourself and others marginalized by financial challenges.
  • Navigate systemic money issues with Quakerism-inspired wisdom.
  • Access a supportive community while receiving expert financial coaching.
  • Recognize the intersection of privilege and empowerment in personal finance.

Finding Refuge and Community Support in Financial Coaching

 Financial matters can often be isolating, especially when faced with difficulties. Having a supportive community can make all the difference. Shared experiences and knowledge become a valuable resource, and the sense of community can bolster an individual’s confidence in meeting financial challenges head-on. This aspect is a cornerstone for me. I draw strength from various communities and value their support — whether my circle of Quakers, my conversation sessions with close friends, or the connection with my dog. I attribute my resilience in part to this network, underlining the intrinsic importance of communal support in navigating not only intricate financial matters but life itself.

Understanding the Impact of Childhood Financial Background

How often do we stop to think about how our background influences our relationship with money? Quite often, these experiences can shape our attitudes and behaviors towards our finances. When we understand our early financial experiences, we are equipped to tackle any emotional attachments we have to money. This exploration fosters healthy attitudes towards spending, saving, and investing. It’s not about dwelling on the past, but looking at it as a stepping stone to making more informed money decisions. Hearing me delve into memories, you realize how significant these moments were in shaping her financial trajectory. From youthful confusion at the store in Sonora to my shift from comfort to insecurity in Glendale, these experiences paved my path to becoming a money expert. Through my narrative, we learn that our financial history needn’t confine us but can empower us to create a better financial future.

Empowering Individuals Marginalized by Money

Marginalization due to financial instability can be disempowering. However, empowerment ensues once we acknowledge and address this systemic issue. Empowering individuals isn’t merely about giving them money but equipping them with the skills to manage their money themselves. It’s about teaching people to fish, as the old adage goes, which leads to personal growth, accountability, and independence. Here, I talk about my work with individuals at different wealth levels and is evidently drawn to helping those who’ve experienced monetary disempowerment. I use my influence to create accessible tools that foster independence, reinstating control over personal finances. For me, money can be empowering and supportive, especially when backed by the right guidance, tools, and mindset.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • For wealth management services, go to Strategy Squad
  • Financial planners who are Latino or allies of Latinos can check out the SER Summit happening October 2024
  • For those interested in learning about activism in the financial planning field, consider checking out Radical Planners for more information and resources.
  • For more on bringing spirituality into money check out Wisdom and Money

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:01 – Introduction: Money Background and Influence
Diana shares her childhood financial background, from being at the top of the bottom to feeling uncomfortable with economic inequality. She discusses how this has influenced her work as a wealth manager and money coach.

00:09:44 – Addressing Money Needs and Social Justice
Diana discusses how she addresses the need to empower people who feel victimized around money. She creates tools and workshops that align with social justice and self-care, emphasizing the interconnectedness of community care and self-care.

00:13:13 – Uniquely Seeing Money Connections
Diana highlights her ability to recognize the discomfort of being upwardly mobile, drawing from her personal experience and cultural background. She also mentions her involvement in a group that focuses on helping individuals from a culture of wealth make decisions aligned with their values.

00:05:55 – Impact of Childhood Financial Background
Diana reflects on how her childhood experiences continue to impact her, expressing her sensitivity and confusion around economic inequality. She shares how she feels comfortable in both wealthy and lower economic situations, shaping her approach to wealth management and money coaching.

00:14:45 – Becoming a Quaker
Diana shares how she became a Quaker in honor of a friend and how it helped her tackle systemic issues around money and disempowerment.

00:16:25 – Support from the Quakers
Diana discusses how the Quaker community has supported her and helped her regain her passion for her work as a money coach.

00:17:39 – Acknowledging Privilege
Diana reflects on her privilege as a person from a culture of wealth and discusses how she works to use it to benefit others and herself.

00:19:14 – Professional Support
Diana mentions the support she receives from her professional community, including the Latino summit and the Nazridan community.

00:22:21 – Finding Refuge
Diana talks about her refuge when overwhelmed, including journaling, nature, and reaching out to beloved people for support, despite being in a new city.

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