Man blowing color at camera during Holi festival

in Wholehearted Money

Why did I name my business All the Colors?

I often get asked, “Why did you name your company All the Colors?”

Because all of you is welcome here. 

The phrase All the Colors comes from a weekend with one of my best friends in NYC. She was going through a really difficult time. When I got there I must’ve been staring, because she asked “what are you looking at?” “You look greyed out…” I told her.

We spent the next three days dancing, talking, shopping, crying, eating, laughing, did I mention dancing? There were big changes happening in her life. She was becoming aware of old patterns in her relationships at a deeper level. My last morning there I bought her a vibrant bouquet of flowers and over a breakfast of pastries and coffee we laughed that All of her Colors were back! 

Although I don’t usually dance with my clients over virtual calls, the work we do requires you to show up with All your Colors. As Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön says, there is wisdom in arriving at a place of no escape – be with life as it is

The more that I resist a portion of my life, the more that it persists. Whatever you’re running from follows you. So it’s best to sit still, let the thoughts go, and let the feelings be. Underneath all that you’ll find you have what you need for this breath, and the next. That is what All the Colors means to me. 

When do we hide from All our Colors?

Whether the money change is good or bad, I see people resist. For example, this summer I’m working abroad in Mexico City (woot woot!). I’m both excited and I’ve also noticed I’m getting scared about running out of money because I’ll be out of my normal day to day life. 

Old tapes of wanting security are rumbling around, so I’m doing things I haven’t done in ages, like going for the cheapest item on the menu. 

What is a Quaker with a compassionate inquiry meditation practice to do? I speak to myself kindly, “oh sweetheart,” I say, “I know, I know.” And a second later I can decide what I want. 

If I do go for the cheapest item because of money I want to do it consciously, not because some old scarcity tape is running my life. There’s a subtle difference and that’s where the magic happens – when you slow down and decide for yourself.

At the same time, if old scarcity tapes are running my life – so be it. Feeling grey and checked out is also part of my money colors; I’m not shaming any part of me. Quaker author Parker Palmer reminds me that the goal is integration and wholeness, not perfection. I can trust that my meditation practice, conversations with good friends, and curiosity will let me know when it’s time to change directions.

All the Colors of Money Changes

Below are some examples of money changes and All the Colors that come up.

Covid happens and you’re asked to work 4 days a week instead of 5

  • Stress and fear around how long you can cover bills with a lower income
  • Relief that you have more free time to decompress, especially when a global pandemic has everyone at wit’s end
  • Annoyance that everyone else is also at home so you don’t have as much freedom as if they were going to school/work/anywhere outside
  • Joy that you get to spend more time with loved ones

A friend offers to lend you money

  • Gratitude for their generosity
  • Worry about the loan affecting your relationship
  • Resolve that with this loan you’ll finally be able to get out of the credit card debt hustle
  • Confusion at how they have money to lend given you’re both the same age

You get a new position with an incredible 35% raise

  • Happiness at the new opportunity and all that new money!
  • Fear that you won’t be able to handle more money and will have nothing to show for it in a year
  • Gratitude for everyone who supported you as you interviewed for positions outside of your comfort zone
  • Confusion around the new employer benefits and having to figure out stuff no one in your family has dealt with before

This pendulation from positive to negative emotions when change happens is normal! We’re assessing our environment. Sussing out what’s safe.

Staying aware throughout the whole process takes practice. In my experience this work is best done outside of my head – through journaling, talking it out with a friend, and even exercise. The next right step for you will become clear.

Thinking it through and trying to “figure it out” in your head is like asking a cat to untangle a knot of yarn…

All of Diana Gisel Yáñez’ Colors

Lastly, the name All the Colors reflects my personality. 

I’m joyful, often intense and very irreverent. If you ever get to have a conversation with me, don’t be surprised when I tell you about some book I read, while making a really random metaphor. This light touch makes money work (and all big life work) manageable and fun.

As a meditation practitioner, a Quaker and someone who’s fond of Buddhist principles I try to not take myself very seriously. Impermanence is grounding – from dust to dust. This is part of All the Colors for me.

I’m not your average CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner. As a Latina, a child of immigrants, and someone who’s under 50, my demographics alone set me apart from the rest of the profession. Add to that my focus on your inner money life, and it’s clear why All the Colors is the perfect name for the work I do with clients.

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