Planning for Aging Planning for aging is hard. It’s understandably hard to think about things we don’t want to happen like illness and death. Protecting ourselves from these topics by avoiding them feels much more natural than diving into them. Yet, at some point you’ll feel ready or be pushed into this conversation – so I invite you to consider it now before it’s an emergency. Continue Reading →
2022 Year in Review Hello from my home region of Paipai and Cocopah territories, in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. Continue Reading →
Money as Medicine People come to me because they’re stressed and they sense money is the reason. Continue Reading →
Infusing your Holidays with Pleasure Activism What would the holiday season look like for you and your money if you took on adrienne maree brown’s call for pleasure activism? What would you say no to? What would you say yes to? Continue Reading →
Living into Your Heart’s Desires Below are stories of people (under pseudonyms!) that I’ve had the honor to work with as a financial empowerment guide. Each of these stories gives you a glimpse into people who courageously discovered the beautiful piece of art inside themselves and then took steps to uncover it. Continue Reading →
Five Tips to Enjoy your Bougette Budget comes from the French word bougette or little bag, which is what people used in the middle ages to keep their coins and IOUs. For those of us who have been terrorized by budgets, knowing that the word is simply a “little bag” can be both anti-climactic and deeply soothing. Continue Reading →
How to Own your Power with Money and Live into your Heart’s Desires First you must be quiet enough, receptive enough, and brave enough to listen to your heart. Continue Reading →
Why You Need a Money Mentor While most social comparison leaves us feeling like we’re falling behind, comparing our path to that of a mentor’s helps us. Continue Reading →
Meeting the Business Cycle as a Pre-schooler In the past few months I’ve seen continued online conversations of inflation, recessions, and angst – understandably given all the changes we’re experiencing. My wish for you is that you live a life that is only marginally impacted by the business cycle, including inflation, deflation, recessions, and yes, even growth. Continue Reading →
Curious about Digital Nomading? Often people will tell me they wish they could travel and live abroad like I do. Regardless of how long you nomad for, I say start. The world is so beautiful it would be a shame to deny yourself the chance to fully enjoy it. Continue Reading →